Bouquet to all the election volunteers who conducted themselves in a very civil manner throughout the election campaign.
Brickbat to Councillors who voted to reduce the annual recurrent funding to nil within three years for Community Northern Beaches (formerly Manly Community Centre). Harmonisation strikes again as it is proposed to redistribute the money in small $5,000 amounts to untested new and emerging charity groups across the entire Northern Beaches. Lets hope there are some emerging charities that will provide services to the most vulnerable in the southern end of the Beaches. The impacted Charities are asking the community to write to the Council condemning the decision.
Brickbat to Council and contractors who continue to mess up the Corso. The damaged paving should not be asphalted, but retiled and the entire Corso cleaned properly.
Bouquet to the Council for installing the beautiful new flagpoles on the beachfront at the end of the Corso.
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